Welp... the shipment of meat never arrived. Customers are hungry and we need money! Squash ants, blend them into a paste, fry them into "burgers", and serve them to customers! I'm sure they won't notice...


1: Switch to Bug Squashing screen.
2: Switch to Cooking screen.
3: Switch to Serving screen.
Arrow Keys: Move hammer around grid.
Z: Squash Bugs; Start blender.
X: Transfer bug meat mixture to frying pan; flip burger; remove burger from pan.
C: Serve "burger" to customer.


Squash five (5) ants for enough sustenance to blend into a burger.
Be careful not to over-blend or overcook burgers. Customers pay less for subpar quality (Perfect: $3, Over-blended or Burnt: $2, Over-blended and Burnt: $1).


Programming and Audio: Ben Lee
Programming and Art: Mac Burton
Special thanks to Jerma (seen in thumbnail) and Pixel It (Pixelator of Jerma)


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Great game! I especially liked the visual art, only thing I would complain about is that there is no way to restart.

Valid critique. Thanks for playing :)

18$, where is this IRL i need to make some bread

So true haha